In 2022, 4.5 thousand Geely cars total were sold in Belarus.

After Alexander Lukashenka’s visit to Beijing, Belarusian state media dubbed the visit “historic” and began praising the results of economic cooperation with China. For instance, the analyst of the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research Aleksey Avdonin in an interview with the TV channel STV stated that the production of Geely brand cars in Belarus allowed to eliminate the import of automobiles from abroad. 

“We have built a powerful car manufacturing facility not far from Minsk. They produce world-class automobiles. This has allowed us to basically eliminate the need for import from, say, Europe.”

Let’s take a look at the numbers. In 2022, 4.5 thousand Geely cars total were sold in Belarus. This is despite the fact that about 100,000 cars were imported to the country - both new and used. This data is reported by the Belarusian Automobile Association. Moreover, dealership sales account for only 15% of these cars. All the rest were brought in by private persons from outside the Eurasian Economic Union. These are the facts refuting Avdonin's statement.

Secondly, in the last couple of years, we observe the opposite trend of increased import of cars from outside of the Customs Union by private persons. That is to say, imports from Europe and the U.S. are rising. Car dealerships blame the decree allowing preferential terms of customs clearance to the disabled and parents of large families.

Let’s look at the previous year's figures. In 2021 Belarusians purchased over 40,000 new cars, about 7.5 thousand of which were Geely brand. Almost 115,000 passenger cars were imported from abroad. 

One has to keep in mind that the BelGee car factory is more oriented toward the Russian market. 80% of the 25,000 cars produced there were shipped to Russia. 

In retrospect, the import of cars from Europe has indeed decreased. But that trend started in 2011. Which means that Geely has nothing to do with that. That downturn was caused by a four- to tenfold (4 to 10-fold) increase in customs duties, which was supposed to equalize them with those of the rest of the Customs Union. Most of the car import has been from Russia ever since, as that’s where main European car manufacturers have since built their factories. So Gelly did nothing to help Belarus get rid of car import. 

German restaurant runs a racist YouTube ad against Ukraine

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited the US in early March and announced during the meeting with Biden that he will keep supporting Ukraine as long as needed.

And literally the next day Belarusian Telegram channel “Berezina” published a post about an alleged anti-Ukrainian ad published by a German restaurant on YouTube.

“Bürgers of the Vaterland enjoy the targeted ads with Zelensky on German YouTube: ‘We’re tired of feeding this pig. Time to cook a pork knuckle!’”

We contacted the restaurant for verification. This is what Jens Gustavson, an owner of Krombacher restaurant, said:

“This is not an ad (we made). This is propaganda and bullying. Somebody is using us to rally against Ukraine, Zelensky, etc. What a shame! We have received 8,000 pieces of hate mail (because of it).”

Besides, we received an email from the restaurant detailing that the case had been referred to the Federal Criminal Police Office, which has been currently investigating it.

Polish hotels offer “Ukrainian free” accommodation

Polish media outlets have published results of a public opinion poll.  While Polish media published the results of a public opinion poll. Although the Poles still have a positive view of Ukrainians and continue to support the military aid to Ukraine, it seems that their opinion of Ukrainian refugees is starting to worsen.

Poles supposedly prefer to avoid sharing hotels with Ukrainians, against this background, the Telegram channel “Nevolfovich” reported.

“Polish hotels provide visitors with a new service called Ukrainian-free. And it is quite popular, by the way. But it costs you a pretty penny. Still, many guests agree to pay extra to avoid the ‘nagging beggars from Ukraine’.

Zmagars (a derogatory term for Belarusian freedom fighters) have long been shunned into tiny shoebox apartments, now it’s the turn of Ukrainians.”

They proceed to show a supposed screenshot of a hotel booking website listing the “Ukrainian-free” premium feature as proof for this statement. 

In an attempt to verify that we have found the cited accommodation booking website and looked up the listed amenities and options. That is where Nevolfovich found the “Ukrainian-free” option. In reality, that page shows the word “piaskownica” in its place – sandbox in Polish.

Russia supporters persecuted in Europe

Wrecks of Russian tanks shot up in Ukraine have been put on exhibit in cities across Europe to commemorate one year since the invasion, as a symbol of opposition to the war. Russia supporters have started bringing flowers and notes with words of support for Russian soldiers to those exhibits. 

This brought the “Editors’ Club” program on Belarus-1 TV channel to the conclusion that up to 30-40% of Europeans support Russia in this conflict. And Ivan Eismant stated that these “dissidents” are being “isolated from society”.

According to Eismant, “Latvian police are actively screening employees for loyalty. Check this quote from the Head of Latvian State Police Armands Ruks, this name should be familiar to you: ‘It’s no secret that people of Slavic descent are represented in our ranks, just as they are in the society at large. They may have a family tradition of, for instance, celebrating Victory Day (9 May). They must be found out and isolated.’”

Eismant quotes an article on Baltijas Balss (Baltic Voice) website but with slight additions to the source. 

This is what the original said: “It’s no secret that people of Slavic descent are represented in our ranks, just as they are in the society at large. They may have a family tradition of, for instance, celebrating Victory Day (9 May),” said Ruks after relating a story of a certain policeman who quit quoting ‘nazism among the senior leadership of the Latvian Police Force’ as the reason for resignation.”

So, the phrase “they must be found out and isolated” is completely made up by Eismant. Moreover, the head of Latvian police stated quite the contrary: that so far not a single employee had to be dismissed on the grounds of support for the aggressor. In short, Ivan Eismant lies again.

Polish state media publish shocking admissions of meddling with Belarus’ affairs

The situation at the border of Poland and Belarus remains tense after Poland closed down one of the border crossing points. Tensions intensified after the sentencing of Polish citizen Andrzej Poczobut to 8 years in prison by a Belarusian court.

On the back of these developments, Belarus-1 state-run TV channel showed an interesting news piece, in which Polish authorities supposedly admit to having sent extremists to Belarus, but are now in support of their punishment.

“An unexpected admission to the actual state of affairs by the Polish media. Myśl Polska, a notable Polish socio-political weekly newspaper confirms: Warsaw has been creating extremist organizations inside Belarus and promotes subversive activity against the Belarusian statehood under the guise of NGOs by leading and financing those organizations.”

This is followed by quotes on how Poland created a guerilla movement in Belarus in 2005, which was headed by Andżelika Borys and the likes of Poczobut, that supposedly conducted acts of sabotage on its territory. 

Andżelika Borys is the head of the Union of Poles in Belarus, not recognized by Belarusian authorities. The Union was initially recognized, that is. But after Borys was elected as its leader, the Ministry of Justice denied it recognition, and OMON (police special forces units) simply took over its Grodno office by force. Eventually, a new election was held under the strict supervision of the authorities, resulting in the appointment of a very loyal candidate as the new head of the Union. That’s how the Union of Poles was split. 

Further on, Belarus-1 states that the Polish news outlet supported the repressions in Belarus.

“If Lukashenka imprisoned anyone, it was not political opposition, but rather Belarusian citizens collaborating with foreign intelligence agencies, guerillas ready to take up arms if all else fails, as evidenced by their military training in Poland.”

On the one hand, such “open secrets” are a shock to no one. On the other hand, admissions like this coming from Polish official media would be surprising. The thing is, Myśl Polska is not a state-run publication. 

Moreover, Slovak, Czech, and Polish investigators have established that Myśl Polska is a content provider for the notorious Russian propaganda website NewsFront. But that’s just part of it. 

Let’s take a closer look at the article’s author Bożena Gaworska-Aleksandrowicz. In making those claims she does not refer to any state officials. Evidently, this only represents her own views on Belarus and the situation with Andżelika Borys in particular.

And the fact that Gaworska-Aleksandrowicz used to live in Belarus and is an honorary member of the official loyal Union of Poles turned out just a google search away. Quick reminder, this is the union that supported Lukashenka and opposed Borys’ “real” Union of Poles. 

Turns out, all the “shocking admissions” do not represent any officials’ points of view, but rather belong to the single member of the pro-Lukashenka organization. Not that shocking after all.

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