Team of Belarusian Investigative Center

The Belarusian Investigation Center, as a media outlet that investigates corruption and exposes fake news, is committed to the principles of transparency, accuracy, and responsibility.

Every BIC's publication is based on carefully researched facts while maintaining ethical standards and respect for privacy.

We aspire to provide an independent and unbiased covering of events in Belarus and neighboring countries, adhering to the principles of objectivity and impartiality. That's why our team includes these professionals:

Stanislau Ivashkevich

Stanislau Ivashkevich is the founder of the Belarusian Investigation Center. He was awarded the national annual BAJ Free Words Award from 2018 to 2021 and the Global Anti-Corruption Champions Award in 2023.

Lawsuits and threats from oligarchs supporting various actors on the political scene of Belarus are considered by him to be much more recognized.

Stanislau Ivashkevich believes in objective journalism.

Alexander Vostrov

Alexander Vostrov is the deputy head of the BIŠ”, responsible for external communications, new partnerships, and product development.

He has been involved in the media field since 2008. Alexander Vostrov collaborated mainly with Russian business media such as RBC and Kommersant.

In 2017, he left journalism for PR, worked at the British agency TMS, and began running his own media business then. In 2022, he joined the BIC team.

Siarhei Chaly

Siarhei Chaly is the author and the presenter of both programs “Chaly: Economics” and “Night with Chaly”. “Chaly: Economics” is the third reincarnation of the legendary project “Economy on Fingers”, which was broadcast on the portal since 2010; then “Economy with Chaly" was on the Belsat TV channel from 2019 to 2022.

Siarhei Chaly used to work as the economic analyst on the Russian stock market; a little earlier he was occupied in the analytical center of the presidential administration of the Republic of Belarus.

He is the winner of the Global Belarus Solidarity Award 2020. Siarhei Chaly is the only and best specialist in the hermeneutics of Lukashenko’s speeches in Belarus.

Alyona Cherniauskaya

Alyona Cherniauskaya is the host of the Weekly Top Fake show. She was a TV presenter and First vice-miss Minsk in 2020. After the crackdown on protests in 2020, she fled Belarus. 

Alyona Cherniauskaya is the author and director of several documentaries, including investigations. One of her films, “I Want to Go to War,” dedicated to Belarusian volunteers in the war in Ukraine, was presented at the “Bulbamuvi” film festival.

In 2023, Alyona Cherniauskaya graduated with a master's degree at the University of Warsaw, majoring in journalism.

Lola Buryeva

Lola Buryeva is the head of the website She has been in journalism since 2008, started as a correspondent and reporter for Belsat TV and several independent print media, for example, the newspaper “Novy Chas”.

For several years, she had been coordinating pieces of training on journalistic skills organized by the Belarusian Association of Journalists, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, and the Norwegian Association of Journalists.

In 2014, Lola Buryeva moved from Belarus to Warsaw, where she hosted an international news program on the Belsat TV channel and was an editor-producer of evening news programs. In 2020, she launched a new project, the “Vot Tak” website.

In 2023, Lola Buryeva joined the BIC team.