Antifake / Factcheck 12 December 2024 ONT: ‘Poles Beat a Belarusian Teen Due to His Nationality’. We Asked the Boy's Father What Happened

The WTF team spoke with the boy’s father.

Polish students in Białystok violently attacked a Belarusian teenager out of ethnic hostility, as reported by Igor Lutsky, head of Belarus’ state-run TV ONT, during the program “Contours.” The Weekly Top Fake team interviewed the injured boy’s father to hear his perspective on the events.

The beaten Belarusian teenager in Poland was reported on December 1, 2024, by ONT channel head Igor Lutsky on the “Contours” program.

“Another troubling news story came this week from Polish Białystok. Another is because they have become regular occurrences. A 16-year-old Belarusian was beaten unconscious. Just like that, without provocation. By Polish classmates. Three on one, brutally, savagely. The boy's father filed a police report. The young man was lucky — no serious injuries, and he's already home. But here's the question: where is home? Is it where the boy's family currently resides, in Poland? Can that really be called home? <...> Especially in a country where migrants are not welcomed. In Poland, for instance, Belarusians, like Russians, Ukrainians, and members of other nationalities, are not very welcome. Poland, if anyone doesn't know, is for Poles,” Lutsky emphasized.

The story about the beating of a 16-year-old Belarusian in Białystok is real. It happened in late November 2024. There were three attackers — two of the boy's teenage classmates and a 22-year-old acquaintance. The teenager suffered head and nose injuries.

The WTF team spoke with the boy’s father, who requested to remain anonymous,  and learned more about the conflict.

“The guy who beat my son is Chechen. And it was, you know, what one might call a boys’ scuffle. He is much older than my son — over 20 — while my son is only 16. There was a misunderstanding, one could say. The Poles happened to be there by chance,” the father of the injured boy explained.

The photos shown on ONT while reporting this incident are unrelated.

“I don’t know where they got those photos, what archive they dug them up from, I have no idea. That’s 100% fake,” the boy's father stated.

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