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Fact-checking: political scientist Dzermant claims about equal salaries for Belarusian deputies and ordinary citizens
According to the state-run newspaper Minskaya Pravda, deputies in Belarus earn about $1.5 thousand.
Unlike parliamentarians in other countries, in Belarus, the deputies' and ordinary people's salaries are equal, as political scientist Alexei Dzermant believes. The Weekly Top Fake team found out how much people's representatives in Belarus really earn.
Alexey Dzermant made his statement about deputy incomes on the air of a program on Grigory Azarenok’s YouTube channel on March 21, 2024.
“In my opinion, the deputy is [a person — ed.] who has, first of all, taken upon himself the obligation of non-covetousness. That is, someone who does not differ from people either in income, or in interaction, or in communication,” the political scientist said.
In January 2024, the average salary in Belarus was 1990 rubles before income tax and the Social Security Fund. Subtracting 14% from this amount and converting it into dollars, you get $523.
According to the state-run newspaper Minskaya Pravda, deputies in Belarus earn about $1.5 thousand. That is, about three times more than ordinary people do.
Meanwhile, Eurostat's statistics for the same period show that Romania and Belgium had the highest inflation rates in the EU — 5.3% and 5.4%, respectively.